Semiconductor Testing & Prober Technology Insights

Wentworth Wafer Probers - Wentworth Wafer Probe Systems and Consumables Cross Reference

Written by Denis Place | January 14, 2022

Are you looking for alternatives to Wentworth Laboratories Wafer Probe Systems or Consumables? 

SemiProbe offers highly competitive alternatives with a high-touch service ethic.

Learn about our Patented PS4L - Probe System for Life Architecture that produces the highest lifetime value from your Wafer Probe System investment.


Wentworth Laboratories  to SemiProbe Manual Wafer Probe Systems Cross Reference:


SemiProbe M-4


SemiProbe M-6


SemiProbe M-8

Pegasus™ M200FA

Aspect L1

SemiProbe M-12

Pegasus™ M300FA


Wentworth Laboratories to SemiProbe Semi-Automatic Wafer Probe Systems Cross Reference: 



SemiProbe SA-4


SemiProbe SA-6




SemiProbe SA-8

Pegasus™ S200 FA

Pegasus™ S200FA-HV

Pegasus™ S200=D

SemiProbe SA-12

Pegasus S300FA


Wentworth Laboratories to SemiProbe Automatic Wafer Probe Systems Cross Reference:


SemiProbe FA-4


SemiProbe FA-6


SemiProbe FA-8

Pegasus™ A200

Pegasus™ A200D

SemiProbe FA-12



Get in touch with a SemiProbe Applications Engineer and we'll be right back to you!