Customer Requirements:
The customer wanted to test 200 mm silicon MEMS wafers under vacuum. They wanted the ability to test at low and high temperatures (-60 C to 200 C). They wanted the ability to use probe cards as well as programmable manipulators with DC and High Frequency (HF) probe arms. The probe system would need the ability to interface to a variety of Keithley and Keysight test instrumentation. The microscope bridge needed the ability to support optics, black bodies and a Polytec MEMS motion analyzer.
Semiautomatic MEMS Vacuum Prober with Thermal System and Keithley 4200 SCS
Semiautomatic 200 mm Vacuum Probing System
MEMS Vacuum Chamber with Blackbody
Turnkey MEMS Vacuum Prober including Pilot Software Suite, Blackbody Controller and Keithley 4200 SCS
To learn more about Advanced MEMS Wafer Probers Click Here