Semiconductor Manual Device Characterization – Canada
Customer Requirements:
A University in Canada was looking for a small footprint, manual, turn-key probing, and testing solution that would allow them to characterize semiconductor devices.
SemiProbe Manual Device Characterization Solution:
A manual Lab Assistant semiconductor probe device characterization system referred to as an LA-100 DC:
- 100 mm x 100 mm X & Y coaxial wafer stage with Z and theta
- 100 mm triaxial chuck with vacuum grooves and independent vacuum zones to handle die, partial wafers, and whole wafers up to 100 mm.
- A platen with a platen lift that accommodates individual manipulators or a probe card holder.
- A rigid microscope post with a 100 mm x 100 mm X, Y coaxial microscope movement with axes locking knobs.
- A compound optics zoom tube with objectives - 2x, 10x and 20x.
- CCTV System Kit - color camera with color monitor, cables, power supply, and a monitor stand
- Keithley 4200 Semiconductor Characterization System with rigid support shelf
- Four (4) manual MA-9000 manipulators with magnetic bases, triaxial probe arms, and Picoprobe active probe arms
- Assortment of tungsten probe tips
- Vibration Isolation Table (VIT_ with casters and leveling feet