Success Story - Optoelectronic Wafer Prober - LEDS

May 20, 2019

Customer Requirements:

Using a semiautomatic 150 mm probe system the customer wanted to test light emitting diodes (LEDS) in wafer form, on 150 mm and 200 mm metal frames and plastic rings. The wafers needed to be tested from ambient to 200 C using a thermal chuck. The LED device would be tested using probe cards and stimulated from the top and bottom. The light output would be captured by an integrating sphere (cube) mounted on multi-axis pneumatically controlled stages that allowed the integrating sphere to moved in and out of position and up and out of the way for changeovers. Customized fixturing to address all of the requirements were required.

Optoelectronic Wafer Prober LEDSSemiProbe Solution:

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDS)

  • SA-6 Semiautomatic Probe System
    • 150 mm programmable X,Y,Z and theta stage
    • PILOT Software Suite – Navigator, Wafer Map and Autoalign
    • Vibration Isolation Table
  • 150 mm thermal chuck operating from ambient to 200 C
  • Customized metal and plastic ring frame holders with quick disconnect hardware for easy changeovers
  • Ability to test whole wafers, partial wafers, individual die and wafers sawn & stretched on rings or frames
  • Integrating Sphere mounted on a multi-axis stage to provide pneumatically controlled sphere movement
  • Probe Card Holder

Optoelectronic Wafer Prober LEDS - Universal Frame Mount                                   

    Universal Frame Mount



Optoelectronic Wafer Prober LEDS - Frame Carrier

Frame Carrier 


Integrating Sphere

Integrating Sphere

 To learn more about other Advanced Optoelectronic Wafer Probers Click Here


How to buy an analytical probe station

Topics: Application - Optoelectronics, Success Stories, Semi-Automatic Systems

Author: Denis Place

Denis Place is one of the founders of SemiProbe and has more than 35 years of experience working in the international semiconductor industry. He has degrees in electrical engineering and business management. Place is in a unique position, because he personally used and worked with probing systems for many years before starting his own semiconductor probing company.
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