Success Story - High Frequency Wafer Probe Station Including RF Probes

January 08, 2020

Customer Requirements:

  • The customer required a semiautomatic 200 mm probe system that would be used to probe a variety of rf (HF) devices up to 40 GHz. Wafer material could be either silicon or III-V compound. The system had to provide temperature capabilities that ranged from -60 C to 200 C. The devices would get contacted with rf probe cards, multi-contact wedges, rf probes and DC needles. Eight (8) manual manipulators were required – 4 HF and 4 DC with appropriate rf probe arms, rf probe tips and cables.

Semiautomatic High Frequency Wafer Prober with RF Probes


SemiProbe Solution:

  • A PS4L SA-8 (200 mm) semiautomatic rf probe system
    • 200 mm programmable X,Y,Z and theta stage with 200 mm load stroke and control electronics
    • A 200 mm gold plated thermal chuck with vacuum holes and two (auxiliary chucks) that operated from -60 C to 200 C
    • A localized environmental chamber (LEC) with a top hat to provide frost-free, dark and EMI shielding
    • Vibration Isolation Table (VIT)
  • Compound Microscope Bridge with Compound Microscope Movement (50 mm of X and Y) and 50 mm of pneumatic Z
  • Compound Optics and CCTV System
  • PC/Monitors/Keyboard and Adjustable Rack
  • PILOT Software Suite – Navigator, Wafer Map and Autoalign
  • Eight (8) manual manipulators – 4 HF and 4 DC with HF and DC probe arms
  • DC and RF probes and calibration substrates
  • Air Compressor and Vacuum Pump

High Frequency Wafer Prober Including RF Probes



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Topics: Application - High Frequency, Application - Device Characterization, Success Stories, Semi-Automatic Systems

Author: Denis Place

Denis Place is one of the founders of SemiProbe and has more than 35 years of experience working in the international semiconductor industry. He has degrees in electrical engineering and business management. Place is in a unique position, because he personally used and worked with probing systems for many years before starting his own semiconductor probing company.
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